(Photos & painting credit: Anasthasia Revinita)
I am so in love with this; Anasthasia painted me when boredom hit her. I am very very delighted to be able to know her as one of my new friends. I am looking forward to meeting her a couple of months from now when I'll be travelling again to Jakarta! (I'm sorry I say that too much)
It's just the real fall time has come (lots of rain and wind, constant being wrapped in scarves, literally not caring of what to wear to school because no one sees them under my 36879 pullovers on top)
Kind of climbing the ladder to a Proustian level of use of run-on sentences, but that's it for now.
I'm gonna hop into bed and put thousands of blankets on me while watching I Hear Your Voice. sorry for the rambling, I hope you have a great weekend soon.
Check out Anasthasia's Instagram: Anastasiarev
Cheers x